BA Carleton College, 2010
MA University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2014
MA Thesis: “From Pacifist to Anti-Fascist? Sylvia Pankhurst and the Fight Against War and Fascism”
PhD University of North Caroline at Chapel Hill, 2019
Dissertation: "Confronting the Fascist Menace: The Politics of British Women’s Activism at Home and Abroad, 1918-1945”
Research Interests
My dissertation, “Confronting the Fascist Menace: The Politics of British Women’s Activism at Home and Abroad, 1918-1945” analyzes the impact fascism had on the British feminist movement before and during the Second World War. I argue that British feminists, who dominated the leadership roles of international women’s organizations in this period, identified fascism as the single largest threat to women’s rights in this period. My project illustrates how the threat of fascism united the activism of these women across organizational and political lines, regardless of their nationality, marital status, religion, or politics.