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Adviser: Harry Watson

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Curriculum Vitae


B.A. Centre College, 2013
M.A. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2015
Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2021

Research Interests

My research interests focus on Native peoples, the United States during the Early Republic, and the U.S. South.

Recent Publications

“A Divided State in a Divided Nation: An Exploration of East Tennessee’s Support of the Union in the Secession Crisis of 1860-1861.” Journal of East Tennessee History 84 (2013): 3-22.

“‘The Noblest Enterprise of Modern Times’ : Robert Y. Hayne’s 1836 Address to the Knoxville Convention.” Journal of East Tennessee History 87 (2016): 93-107.

“Ardent Nullifier and Gradual Emancipator: The Paradox of Virginia Governor John Floyd.” Southern Historian 37 (Spring 2016): 23-45.