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Status: PhD Candidate

Adviser: Konrad Jarausch

Graduate Email:


Freie Universität Berlin
Heidelberg University (Staatsexamen 2016)

Study Abroad Programs: University of Connecticut (2014/15), King’s College London (2016), Université Paris-Sorbonne (2016/17)

Visiting Graduate Student at the University of Cambridge (2020)

Research Interests

International History
Modern German and European History
Hitler, the Third Reich, and the Second World War
Causes and Outbreaks of Wars

My dissertation, “The ‘manufactured crisis’. The Outbreak of World War II in Europe,” examines the diplomatic crisis at the eve of the Second World War from an international perspective with a particular emphasis on Polish sources.

Some Notable Publications

  • “Wahn und Wirklichkeit: Wie die Illusion einer gemeinsamen Erinnerung an die Julikrise 1914 die Entfesselung des Zweiten Weltkriegs beeinflusste”, in: Friedrich Kießling, Caroline Rothauge (eds.), Außenbeziehungen und Erinnerung. Funktionen, Dynamiken, Reflexionen, De Gruyter Oldenbourg (Munich, 2021)
  • Courses Offered

    Teaching Assistant

  • HIST 158: Early Modern European History, Fall 2017
  • HIST 226: History of Rome, Spring 2018
  • HIST 159: Twentieth-Century Europe, Fall 2018
  • HIST 262: History of the Holocaust, Spring 2019
  • HIST 206: War, Diplomacy, and Statecraft, 1815-1945, Fall 2019
  • HIST 207: The Global Cold War, Spring 2021
  • Instructor of Records

  • HIST 395: The Rise of the Third Reich, Spring 2019
  • HIST 395: The Third Reich in Power, Fall 2019