B.A., Freie Universität Berlin
Erasmus year abroad, University College London
M.Phil., University of Oxford
Research Interests
Interested broadly in the global, transnational, and entangled dimensions of American religion in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, I am exploring questions at the intersection of religious and immigration histories, specifically Protestant and Jewish. Particular interests lie in the transatlantic exchange of theologies, ideas, and scholarship; interreligious and interdenominational networks and conflict; the confluence of religion and national identity; modernism/fundamentalism; and gendered experiences in foreign missions.
My educational background is in history, Jewish studies, and political science. Prior to beginning doctoral studies, I worked in academic publishing for seven years, most of that time as an acquisitions editor in religious studies.
Some Notable Publications
“Zoology in Translation: Archiving Heinz Steinitz’ Life in Science.” In Dubnow Institute Yearbook 17 (2018): 447–72.
“Demokratisches Gedenken: Die Erinnerung an Matthias Erzberger in Reutlingen.“ In Reutlinger Geschichtsblätter, n.s. 57 (2018): 175–99.
“A Room of Her Own: Jenny Aloni zwischen Deutsch und Hebräisch.“ In Zwischen den Sprachen – Mit der Sprache? Deutschsprachige Literatur in Palästina und Israel, ed. N. O. Eke and S. Willeke, 147-63. Veröffentlichungen der Literaturkommission für Westfalen 79. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2019.