B.A. History and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, Trinity University, 2016
M.A. History, George Washington University, 2018
Research Interests
I am primarily interested in Military History and Early American History with a particular emphasis on Early American Maritime enterprises. My research focuses on privateers during the American Revolution and War of 1812. Specifically, my dissertation investigates the relationship between privateers and the public sphere by examining how these sailors were perceived, represented, and remembered by the public in newspapers, novels, music, and art.
Courses Offered
Teaching Assistant
HIST 278: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, Fall 2019
HIST 362: Baseball and American History, Spring 2020
HIST 225: History of Greece, Fall 2020
HIST/PWAD 266: Global History of Warfare, Spring 2021
HIST 366: North Carolina History to 1865, Fall 2021
HIST 124: American History and Film, Spring 2022