Graduate Student Life
Our graduate students form part of the vibrant scholarly community of the History Department, but their opportunities for intellectual and social engagement do not stop there. As part of the wider UNC campus, the Graduate Program in history offers access to a variety of venues for forging interdisciplinary connections and working across departments, as well as various programs, centers, and curricula. Looking further afield, the History Department has neighbors at Duke University, North Carolina State University, and other institutions of higher learning, in addition to the National Humanities Center. Taken as a whole, the Triangle offers graduate students nearly limitless possibilities for professional and intellectual growth. Not to mention, in terms of lifestyle, the Triangle possesses many of the cosmopolitan advantages of a larger urban area, but without many of the “big city” expenses and headaches.
Among many other activities, graduate students in the History Department can take part in:
The Carolina Seminars provide faculty and graduate students from around the Triangle with a vibrant venue for discussing current scholarship, including seminars in German Studies, Intellectual History, the Working Group in Feminism and History, Medieval Studies, Russia and Its Empires, Jewish Studies, and others. For more information, see
Held three to four times a semester, the DRC provides a public forum in which graduate students can present their dissertation research and receive valuable experience and feedback. Each DRC meeting consists of two twenty to thirty research presentations followed by a fifteen minute comment on the papers by a faculty member. The remainder of the meeting, usually about thirty minutes, is devoted to questions and discussions involving the audience. Any ABD student who is eager to deliver a research presentation at the DRC should contact the Director of Graduate Studies.
Along with more formal events, the graduate student community hosts a fall picnic, outings to local restaurants, and other events.
- Co-Presidents: Sarah Miles and Emma Rothberg
- Professional Development Coordinators: Donny Santacaterina and Laura Cox
- Residency Coordinator: Luke Jeske
- MA Mentor: Clare Byers
- Diversity Chair: Eric Becerra
- Service Committee: Kylie Broderick
- Histgrad Manager/Digital Coordinator: Craig Gill
- Social Chairs: Pasuth Thothaveesansuk and Kaela Thuney
- Environmental Coordinator: Alison Curry
- International Student Coordinators: Zora Piskacova and Oskar Czendze