Undergraduate Journals
Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy, University of Chicago
The Chicago Journal of Foreign Policy (CJFP) is a journal published by undergraduates at The University of Chicago that aims to provide a forum for problem-solving and analysis around international affairs. The journal, founded in 2012, features a collection of articles that reflect on historical, economic, political, and cultural developments within nations other than the United States, or explores relationships between the United States and the world. Each edition covers topics from regions around the world, and engages in ongoing discussions held on the international stage. The Journal accepts submissions for a blog and bi-annual print journal from any college or university in the world.
Website: https://thecjfp.com/
Contact: ChicagoJournalFP@gmail.com
Crimson Historical Review, University of Alabama
The Crimson Historical Review is an undergraduate, peer-reviewed, research journal, staffed by undergraduate Honors students and History Majors. Submissions are welcome from all majors, but must deal with an historical topic. Submissions must be based on original, primary source research that engages with extant scholarship. Submissions must have been written in an undergraduate class or in a faculty-supervised independent study for credit, and must have the support of a faculty member. The Review publishes two issues yearly and submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Proposals for themed and guest-edited issues are welcome. Please see the website for complete submission guidelines.
Website: https://crimsonhistorical.ua.edu/
Contact: crimsonhistorical@ua.edu
Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History
The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History accepts nominations from professors of outstanding research papers produced by undergraduates. This is a great opportunity for undergraduate history students to have their work reviewed, edited, and potentially published. If there are any papers you feel may be worthy of publication or any senior theses of note, please send the names of the students and their contact information. From the nominated papers, the editors will select five to six articles to be published in the Journal, and the top three authors will be invited to the Herbert Aptheker Undergraduate History Conference at Columbia University to give talks on their research. The authors invited to the History Conference will also receive a small honorarium.
The Columbia Undergraduate Journal of History is currently accepting submissions for its 2017 issue. All current undergraduates are eligible to submit one 5000 to 7000 word historical research manuscript. All submissions must also include a professor or teaching assistant nomination, emailed separately to cuhc@columbia.edu. Please email all submissions to cuhc@columbia.edu as a Microsoft Word Document no later than January 15th, 2017. In order to maintain anonymity in the editorial process, the manuscript should contain no personally identifiable information.
Website: https://www.columbiahistoryjournal.com/
Contact: cuhc@columbia.edu
Foundations, Johns Hopkins University
The undergraduate academic history journal Foundations is comprised of an undergraduate Editorial Board with an international Faculty Advisory Board, and they publish in association with the Department of History at Johns Hopkins University. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the academic year and the summer.
Contact: foundations@jhu.edu
Georgetown Journal of History
The Georgetown Journal of History is an academic journal run by undergraduates at Georgetown University, and entering its second year of publication. They publish undergraduate history work covering all regions and eras. Submissions are open to all majors, but must be historically-oriented. The deadline for submissions is 11:59 pm on January 15, 2017. Please see the website for full submission guidelines. Submissions should be emailed (in Microsoft Word format) to georgetownhistoryjournal@gmail.com
Website: https://georgetownhistoryjournal.org/
Contact: georgetownhistoryjournal@gmail.com
History Matters, Appalachian State University
History Matters is an undergraduate history journal, published online annually by the Department of History at Appalachian State University. The journal is edited by undergraduates with the help of a faculty board. At History Matters, their goal is to publish the best undergraduate historical research possible. In doing so, they would like to provide an opportunity for top undergraduates from a variety of schools to be recognized for their work, familiarize them with the publishing process, and encourage student-faculty collaboration. They hope that all students who take part in this process will become better writers and self-editors. In all of their endeavors, they are committed to publishing the papers of students who have worked hard and deserve recognition. They are especially seeking research papers that utilize primary sources. Submissions are due in January.
Website: http://historymatters.appstate.edu/
Journal of Undergraduate International Studies, University of Wisconsin
The Journal of Undergraduate International Studies (JUIS) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites reflections on a wide range of academic and creative disciplines—from art to economics—from contributors worldwide. They seek to publish the best undergraduate work across the country related to international themes and topics including, but not limited to: international conflict and resolution, environmental issues, economics, development and trade, global security and international health. Submission deadlines come in the fall and spring. Our submissions generally range in length from 5 to 20 pages. Submissions must not have been published in any other publication. Recent graduates are also eligible to submit their work.
Website: http://juis.global.wisc.edu/
The Michigan Journal of History
The Michigan Journal of History is excited to announce a call for submissions for our 2017 issue. Undergraduate students who have completed original research in any subfield of history are encouraged to apply. They are also happy to read papers that adopt a historical approach in anthropology, political science, law, international studies, area studies, ethnic studies, and gender and sexuality studies, and other related disciplines. Papers must be 10-30 pages (double-spaced) and cannot have been previously published. Please submit submissions to umhistoryjournal@gmail.com by January 20, 2017.
Website: https://michiganjournalofhistory.com
Contact: Questions, Dylan Nelson dylangn@umich.edu Submissions, umhistoryjournal@gmail.com
Report, United States Military Academy
Report is a historical review that publishes the work of undergraduate students. They are expanding to include submissions from students at other colleges and universities. They encourage submissions from all undergraduates interested in historical research. Report is published both electronically and in booklet form during the spring and fall semesters. Please do not submit works already submitted to of published by other academic journals, and refer to the Chicago Manual of Style for citation guidelines and footnote form. Please include an email address and phone number with submissions. Contact the editors with any questions.
Website: https://westpoint.edu/academics/academic-departments/history/history-journal
Contact: Report.USMA@gmail.com
Synthesis: An Undergraduate Journal of the History of Science, Harvard University
Synthesis is an undergraduate history of science journal based out of Harvard University and publishes work written by undergraduates in the fields of history of science, technology and medicine. As the only undergraduate journal for history of science in existence today, Synthesis is meant to provide a venue for collaboration between undergraduates across the country and the world who are interested and passionate about the history of science and surrounding fields.
Contact: Angelica Clayton- harvardsynthesis@gmail.com
Traces: The UNC-Chapel Hill Journal of History
Traces features the work of UNC graduate and undergraduate students, and was founded by Lawson Kuehnert and Mark W. Hornburg in 2011. Traces publishes original research by UNC students, book and film reviews, and essays on the historical profession.
Vanderbilt Historical Review
The Vanderbilt Historical Review (VHR) is the first and only journal of history at Vanderbilt, created in the spring of 2016 by a group of undergraduate students. The publication seeks to show the importance of studying the past through its semiannual publication. Topics may cover a wide range of disciplines, including economic, political, or cultural history. The editorial board leads a blind review process in which historically accurate, interesting, and creative articles are critiqued. In doing so, the journal provides a forum of academic debate over relevant historical questions.
Website: http://vanderbilthistoricalreview.com/
Contact: vanderbilt.historicalreview@gmail.com
Yale Historical Review
The Yale Historical Review, a student-run publication that showcases excellent undergraduate history papers, would like to extend an invitation to your students who love history to submit papers they’ve written over the course of their college careers. Students who are interested in submitting can email their work in an attachment and a selection of papers will be published in our upcoming issue. Besides their basic information, they should include the name of the course for which the paper was written, the name of the professor, and their year in school. Submissions are usually due in October.
Website: https://admissions.yale.edu/yale-historical-review
Contact: yalehistoricalreview@gmail.com
Ezra’s Archives, Cornell University
Ezra’s Archives is a publication put forth annually by the Cornell Historical Society. This journal, launched in the Spring of 2011, showcases stellar examples of undergraduate research in the field of history. In the Fall of 2011, Ezra’s Archives expanded to accept submissions from undergraduates at other universities. If you are interested in applying for a position on the editorial board, submitting a paper, or learning more about the journal, please contact them.
Website: https://history.cornell.edu/ezras-archives
Contact: cornellhistoricalsociety@gmail.com.