Previous Frank Ryan Prize Winners
2020: Linda Cheng, “Breach of Trust as Fuel for Protest: Tiananmen Demonstrations and the Erosion of State-Society Relations in 1980s China,” advised by Michael Tsin
2019: Max Conley, “The World Whole: An Environmental History of Japanese Space Power” advised by Morgan Pitelka
2018: Katherine Frances Cayton, “A ‘Third Possibility’ Revolution: The Success of Émigré Reporting Networks at Radio Free Europe During Poland’s 1956 Thaw” advised by Karen Auerbach
2017: Meredith Miller, “When Paris Met Bohemia: Discovering the Czech Nation through its Art, 1900-1938” advised by Chad Bryant
2016: Augusta Dell’Omo, “Tending the Enemy’s Flock: German Pastors and POWs in Britain, 1940-1955,” advised by Susan Pennybacker
2015: Meghan Herwig, “The Balancing Act: Nixon, Taiwan, and the Tactics of Detente,” advised by Benjamin Waterhouse
2014: Lauren Crawford, “The Human Spill: Economic and Social Impacts of the Response to and Recovery from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill,” advised by Michael Cotey Morgan
2013: Luke J. Wander, “Shaking the Whole World: The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution as Global History, 1966-1976,” advised by Michael Tsin
2012: Amelia Jennie Kennedy, “Bodies Breaking Down: Pain, Suffering, and Christian Identity in Merovingian Gaul. E. 481-751,” advised by Marcus Bull
2011: Barclay D. MacFarlane, “A Private Corporation Serving a Public Purpose: The Development and Growth of Fannie Mae and the Secondary Mortgage Market,” advised by Benjamin Waterhouse
2010: William John Schultz, “New Wine in Old Wineskins: Fulton Sheen, Rochester, and the Paradoxes of Vatican II,” advised by Roger W. Lotchin
2009: Brett Cameron Sturm, “A Community of Nostalgia: Identity, Landscape, and the German-Speaking Minority of Gdansk, Poland,” advised by Chad Bryant
2008: Carl Dylan Trettin, “Ordinary Diplomacy in Extraordinary Times: The View from Embassy Moscow-US Soviet Diplomacy Revisited, 1964-1968,” advised by Donald Raleigh
2007: Katherine Paige O’Hale, “The Strange Career of Freedom of Choice: The Story of the Johnston County, North Carolina Schools,” advised by Jim Leloudis
2006: Laurel K. Wamsley, “Poetry for the Nation: Allen Ginsberg, Robert Lowell, and the Politics of Literary Fame in the 1960s,” advised by John Kasson
2005: Jeffrey W. Giertz, “Wilderness: Industry, Tourism, and Natural Environment in Ely, Minnesota,” advised by Roger W. Lotchin
2004: Rebecca Wayer, “Freedom within Constraints: The Interplay of Patriarchy and Honor in the Lives of Women in Renaissance Florence and Venice,” advised by Stanley Chojnacki
2003: Lucas Fenske, “The Grand Dance: Solving Conflicts between National and Allied Interests in the American-British Military Alliance, June 1944-May 1945,” advised by Roger W. Lotchin
2003: Anne Dahlgren, “Spotlight on Czechoslovakia: American Media Reports on the Prague Spring,” advised by Peter Filene
2002: Carroll Seabrook Leatherman, “Duty-Bound Thomas Wentworth Higginson: Identity, Roles, and Environment,” advised by Reginald Hildebrand
2001: Lorrie Elizabeth Bradley, “Shared Space and Common Faith: Latino Immigrants, Catholicism, and Collective Identity in North Carolina,” advised by Peter Filene
2000: Thomas Alasdair Geddes, “Dyeerism, Devolution, and the Invention of Duty: Five Responses to the Disintegration of the British Empire,” advised by Jim Hevia
1999: Matthew Joseph Van Hoose, “Price of Admission: Comparing the Nationalization of Tango and Jazz,” advised by John Chasteen