History Course Finder
William Ferris
TuTh 8:00 am - 9:15Am
Explores the history of music in the American South from its roots to 20th-century musical forms, revealing how music serves as a window on the region's history and culture.
HIST 578 – Transatlantic Relations and Contemporary Geo- Politics from the Cold War to the Present
Klaus Larres
Th 6:00PM - 8:30PM
Hamilton Hall - Rm 0150
This course considers transatlantic relations in its security, political, and economic dimensions. The course also analyzes U.S. attempts to construct a more united European continent. It is the main aim of this course to give students a structured overview of transatlantic relations and geo-political developments from 1945 to the present.
HIST 581 – American Constitutional History to 1876
Genna McNeil
Stone Center - Rm 0209
TuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PM
In a classroom environment characterized by discussion, simulation, and interaction, the antecedents, formation, and interpretation of the Constitution are confronted in a broad historical matrix.
HIST 593 – Exploring the U.S. South Hands On and Ears Open: Internship at the Southern Oral History Program
Rachel Seidman
Interning at the SOHP offers experiential education in the intellectual, organizational, and practical work of oral history. You will learn to do oral history interviews, contribute to a collaborative research project, and help this esteemed research center with programming, processing interviews, communications, and digital projects. We accept four interns per semester and you must apply through the Southern Oral History Program.
HIST 671 – Introduction to Public History
Anne Whisnant
Hamilton Hall - Rm 0150
Mo 3:35PM - 6:05PM
Introduces the theory, politics, and practice of historical work conducted in public venues (museums, historic sites, national parks, government agencies, archives), directed at public audiences, or addressed to public issues.