History Course Finder
Fred Naiden
Graham Memorial - Rm 0035
MoWe 3:35PM- 4:50PM
War and the warrior in the archaic and classical Greek world, seventh to the fourth centuries BCE.
HIST 437 – Aristocratic Culture in the Central Middle Ages
Marcus Bull
Bingham - Rm 0301
TuTh 8:00am - 9:15am
This course has as its theme the lives of aristocratic men and women in western Europe between about 850 and 1200 CE. Discusses the nature of aristocratic identity, the trends that shaped the lives of aristocratic men and women, and the different roles of men and women within aristocratic culture.
HIST 490 – Special Topics in History
Trevor Erlacher
Graham Memorial - Rm 0038
TuTh 11:00 AM- 12:15pm
Subject matter will vary with instructor but will focus on some particular topic or historical approach. Course description available from the departmental office. Honors version available
HIST 493 – Internship in History
Marcus Bull & William Ferris & Joseph Caddell& Rachel Seidman & Molly Worthen & James Lelousdis & William Bearney & Harry Watson & Claude Clegg & Matthew Andrews
Permission of the director of undergraduate studies. A supervised internship at an organization or institution engaged in the promotion of historical studies or the collection and preservation of historical documents and artifacts.
HIST 495- Directed Reading in History
Linda Mcreynolds & Susan PennyBacker & Cemil Aydin & Eren Tasar & William Brundage & Matthew Andrews
Permission of the director of undergraduate studies. Directed reading and relevant writing, supervised by a member of the department, in a selected field of history.
HIST 496 Independent Research in History
Lloyd Kramer & William Sturkey
Permission of the director of undergraduate studies. Directed primary source research and production of a research project, supervised by a member of the department. Prior coursework in the selected field is recommended.
HIST 508 – Europe and Humanitarian Aid since 1945: Concepts, Actors, Practices
Tobias Hof
Venable Rm G307
TuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This seminar offers students an insight into the role of Europe within the global regime of humanitarian aid. After looking at the history and at theoretical definitions of humanitarianism, the course will examine a variety of case studies to assess the changing role of Europe in the post-war era.
HIST 511 – 9/11 in World History
Eren Tasar
Murphey - Rm 0118
TuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This course focuses on three great decolonization movements-Communism, Nationalism, and Islamism-in the postcolonial Islamic world, in an attempt to understand the impact of the 9/11/2001 terrorists attacks on the social, political, and cultural life of Muslims in predominantly Islamic countries and diasporic communities in the West.
HIST 538 – The Middle East and the West
Cemil Aydin
Gradham Memorial - Rm 0035
MoWe 2:00 Pm - 3:30 Pm
This course explores changing interactions between the Middle East and the West, including trade, warfare, scientific exchange, and imperialism, and ends with an analysis of contemporary relations in light of the legacy of the past.
HIST 550 – Gender in Chinese History
MIchelle King
Murphey - Rm 0204
TuTh 2:00PM - 3:15PM
This course is designed to introduce undergraduates to recent historical scholarship in the field of Chinese gender studies. Topics include family and kinship, the body and bodily practices, social space, writing, sexuality, work, and law, covering both the premodern and modern periods. No prior coursework required.