History Course Finder
Melissa Bullard
Peabody -Rm 0216
Tu 2:00PM - 4:30PM
Examines selected themes in the history of Europe from ancient to early modern times. Theme(s) chosen by the instructor. Possible subjects: legacies of antiquity, philosophy and religion, feudal society, gender, and power.
HIST 179H – Honors Seminar in American History
Zaragosa Vargas
Graham Memorial - Rm 0038
MoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PM
Examines selected themes in American history. Theme(s) chosen by the instructor. Possible subjects: colonial diversity, emerging nation, intellectual traditions, labor and capitalism, slavery and race relations, markets and political power, war and society.
HIST 210 – Global Issues and Globalization
Erica Johnson
Global Center - Rm 1015 & Mitchell - Rm 0009
MoWe 10:10AM- 11:00 AM
Survey of international social, political, and cultural patterns in selected societies of Africa, Asia, America, and Europe, stressing comparative analysis of conflicts and change in different historical contexts. LAC recitation sections offered in French, German, and Spanish.
HIST 225- History of Greece
Fred Naiden
6 different rooms available
6 different times available
A survey of Greek history and culture from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period.
HIST 236 – Sex and American History
John Sweet
Greenlaw - Rm 0101
TuTh 12:30Pm - 1:45Pm
Does sex have a history? This course argues that it does. Exploring American history from the earliest encounters of Indians, Europeans, and Africans through the aftermath of the sexual revolution, we will consider diverse perspectives, important dynamics of change, and surprising ways in which the past informs our present--and our selves.
HIST 240 – Introduction to Mexico: A Nation in Four Revolutions
Anglica Castillo
Carolina Hall - Rm 0220
MoWeFr 1:25PM - 2:15PM
History of Mexico seen through four moments of change: conquest, independence, 19th-century reforms, and 20th-century revolution. This course is an introductory survey for students who want to know more about Mexico, its place in Latin America, and its relations with the United States.
Hist 252 – Politics, Society, and Culture in Modern Germany (1871-1945)
Karen Hagemann
Dey Hall - Rm 0304
TuTh 11:00Am- 12:15Pm
This course explores the history of Modern Germany, by focusing on Imperial Germany, the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich. We will study continuities and changes in politics, society, and culture and examine the lasting impact of World War I, World War II and the Holocaust.
HIST 254 – War and Society in Early Modern Europe
Terence Mcintosh
Philips - Rm 0328
MoWeFr 1:25 PM- 2:15PM
A critical examination, from the Renaissance to the Napoleonic period, of the changes in European land and naval warfare and their impact on society and government.
HIST 255 – Manor to Machine: The Economic Shaping of Europe
Melissa Bullard
Gardner - Rm 0001
TuTh 11:00Am- 12:15Pm
From agriculture to industry, Europe's march to industrialization. Survey from the medieval manor through revival of trade, rise of towns, credit and capitalism, overseas expansion and mercantilism to the Industrial Revolution.
HIST 262 – History of the Holocaust: The Destruction of the European Jews
Caroline Nilsen
Anti-Semitism; the Jews of Europe; the Hitler dictatorship; evolution of Nazi Jewish policy from persecution to the Final Solution; Jewish response; collaborators, bystanders, and rescuers; aftermath.