Curriculum Vitae
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Freie Universität Berlin
Heidelberg University (Staatsexamen)
Study abroad programs: University of Connecticut (2014/15), King’s College London (2016), Université Paris-Sorbonne (2016/17)
Research Interests
I am a historian of modern European history with a particular interest in diplomacy, the interwar period, and the history of the Third Reich. My dissertation, titled August Crisis: How Hitler Went to War in 1939, examines the diplomacy on the eve of the Second World War with a special emphasis on Poland. In particular, I am interested in the human element of diplomacy and the political impact of the interpersonal dynamics within Hitler’s inner circle.
Some Notable Publications
“Failure to Communicate: How the British Guarantee to Poland was Perceived in London, Warsaw and Berlin” (submitted to Diplomacy & Statecraft, currently under peer-review)
Review of: Michael Epkenhans (ed.), Lessons Learnt? The Impact of the Great War and the Paris peace Conference on the Military – a Global Perspective, Potsdam, 2024, in: International Journal of Military History and Historiography, 2024: 44/3 (upcoming)
“Hochstapler Hitler. Über Täuschung als Prinzip der NS-Außenpolitik,” (Contribution to a conference proceedings on the cultural history of deceptions organized by the ZZF Potsdam; in preparation).
“Der Berghof als Raum außenpolitischer Entscheidungen,” in: Sönke Kunkel, Michael Homberg, et al. (eds.): Räume in der Internationalen Geschichte (upcoming conference proceedings).
“Wahn und Wirklichkeit: Wie die Illusion einer gemeinsamen Erinnerung an die Julikrise die Ent-fesselung des Zweiten Weltkrieges beeinflusste,” in: Kießling/Rothauge (eds.): Außenbeziehungen und Erinnerung, München: de Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2021.
Review of: Brendan Simms, Hitler, London: Allen Lane, 2019, in: Francia-Recensio, 2020-2, Époque contemporaine, DOI: 10.11588/frrec.2020.2.73361
Notable Awards and Fellowships
Visiting student at the University of Cambridge, Gonville and Caius College (2020)
Fellow of the Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies at the Freie Universität Berlin (2022/23)
Visiting researcher at the Center for the History of Emotions at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin (2023)
Courses Offered
Teaching Assistant
HIST 158: Early Modern European History, Fall 2017
HIST 226: History of Rome, Spring 2018
HIST 159: Twentieth-Century Europe, Fall 2018
HIST 262: History of the Holocaust, Spring 2019
HIST 206: War, Diplomacy, and Statecraft, 1815-1945, Fall 2019
HIST 207: The Global Cold War, Spring 2021
HIST 226: History of Rome, Spring 2022
HIST 262: History of the Holocaust, Spring 2024
HIST 257: Postwar Germany, Fall 2024
Instructor of Record
HIST 395: The Rise of the Third Reich, Spring 2019
HIST 395: The Third Reich in Power, Fall 2019