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Status: PhD Candidate

Adviser: Miguel La Serna

Graduate Email:

Curriculum Vitae


M.A., History, UNC Chapel Hill, 2021
M.A. Thesis: “Battlefield Colombia: Honor and Justice in the Thousand Days’ War, 1899-1902” (Dr. Miguel La Serna & Dr. Joseph Glatthaar, co-advisors)

B.A., Justice Studies, Arizona State University, 2019
B.A. Thesis: “Honor, Glory, Sacrifice, and Annihilation: Violence and Death in World War II” (Dr. Robert Niebuhr, advisor)

Research Interests

My research interests include social and cultural history, especially regarding memory studies. I study Latin American history and military history, with a focus on early 20th century Colombia. My dissertation analyzes public memory of the Thousand Days’ War (1899-1902), a civil war between Colombia’s Liberal and Conservative Parties that ended in a stalemate and led to Panamá’s independence. This work has led to multiple conference presentations, both in the United States and Colombia, and I plan to defend the dissertation in Spring 2025. I have also published about Colombia’s contemporary conflict and its impact on Afro-Colombian communities in the department of Chocó.

Some Notable Publications

  • Review of Kernaghan, Richard, Crossing the Current: Aftermaths of War along the Huallaga River. H-War, H-Net Reviews. October, 2024.
  • The Pursuit of Memory and Justice in Bojayá – North American Congress on Latin America, May 2023
  • Recent Public Engagements

  • “Public Memory and Armed Conflict: Remembering the Thousand Days’ War”, Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia, public roundtable – Bogotá, Colombia (June 2024)
  • “124th Anniversary of the Battle of Palonegro,” community event – Lebrija, Colombia (virtual – May 2024)
  • "Narrativas posbélicas de la guerra de los Mil Días," Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, guest lecture – Bogotá, Colombia (October 2023)
  • "Memorias y mitologías de la batalla de Peralonso," Universidad Industrial de Santander, guest lecture – Bucaramanga, Colombia (September 2023)
  • Courses Offered

    HIST 128: U.S. History since 1865
    HIST/PWAD 248: Guerrillas and Counterinsurgencies in Latin America
    HIST/PWAD 266: Global History of Warfare
    HIST/PWAD 369: War and American Society, 1902 to Present to Present