B.A. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2014
Education Abroad Program, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2013-2014
M.A. San Francisco State University, 2018
M.A. Thesis: “Cataloging the Nation: Explorations and the Incorporation of North Patagonia into the Chilean National Ordering, 1856-1902”
Research Interests
My research explores Chiloé’s colonial Indigenous communities, and my dissertation studies Indigenous participation and self-representation in judicial proceedings throughout the eighteenth century as a way of interrogating processes of social identity formation and examining notions about justice, injury, punishment, transgression, and reparation. I am interested in analyzing the dynamics of colonial corporate community formation and reproduction beyond discrete ethnic lines in this borderland region. Thus, I am interested in processes of ethnogenesis and community formation that were structured along tributary, geographic, occupational, and foral/customary lines.
I incorporate GIS methods as a central part of my research. I am interested in working with, and teaching, GIS exclusively using open-source datasets and software. I offer my services to produce commissioned cartography; please write to me if you are interested in collaborating.
My recent publication in the Colonial Latin American Review titled “Desde los principios de aquella misión, y tiempo inmemorial: the indios de la compañía as an alternative path towards Indigenous community formation in Chiloé, 1626-1767,” follows the historical trajectory of the indios de la compañía, a group of Indigenous auxiliaries who performed labor for the Jesuit Order in Chiloé between 1626 and 1767, as a way of exploring place-specific forms of colonial social identity and Indigenous community formation in a borderlands region. Please write to me if you would like me to send you a copy of my article.
Estoy trabajando en una traducción al castellano de mi artículo recientemente publicado. No dude en contactarme para pedirme una copia o para cualquier otra consulta.
Some Notable Publications
“Desde los principios de aquella misión, y tiempo inmemorial: the indios de la compañía as an alternative path towards Indigenous community formation in Chiloé, 1626-1767.” Colonial Latin American Review, vol. 33, Issue 1 (2024), 28-55