BA The University of Hong Kong, 2018
M.Phil The University of Hong Kong, 2022: "The Ming-Qing Transition in 1644 and the Diplomatic Situation in East Asia: A Case Study of Ryukyu's Suzerainty Shift 甲申事變與東亞局勢論析 : 以琉球宗主權轉易為中心"
MA The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2024: "A Small Kingdom Accommodating Large State(s): The Formation of Qing-Ryukyu Relations (1644-1653)"
Research Interests
My research focuses on the history of Ryukyu, mainly from the perspective of both Chinese and Japanese history in the greater seventeenth century, examining how the island state survived between powers in Asia. I am also interested in the history of Shinto in the early Yamato period, targeting both the Kyushu Area and the Hachiman belief.