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James G. Kenan Distinguished Professor; Adjunct Professor of the Curriculum in Peace, War and Defense
562 Hamilton Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 11:00am – 12:00pm or by appointment
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Website


MA University of Hamburg, 1980
Dr. Phil. University of Hamburg, 1989
Habil. Technical University of Berlin, 2000

Research Interests

Karen Hagemann teaches Modern German and European history, military history and women’s and gender history from the late eighteenth to the late twentieth century. Her most recent monograph Revisiting Prussia’s Wars against Napoleon: History, Culture, and Memory was published with Cambridge University Press in 2015 and won the Hans Rosenberg Prize for the best book in Central European History in 2016 by the Central European History Society. A German edition titled Umkämpftes Gedächtnis: Die Antinapoleonischen Kriege in der deutschen Erinnerung was published in 2019 with Schöningh. The volume Gendering Post-1945 German History: Entanglements, coedited with Donna Harsch and Friederike Brühöfener, was published by Berghahn Books in the spring 2019. The Oxford Handbook of Gender, War, and the Western World since 1600, coedited with Stefan Dudink and Sonya O. Rose, was published by Oxford University Press in the fall 2020 and won the Society for Military History’s Distinguished Book Award for Reference Work. In the fall 2024 the anthology German Historians in North Migrant America: Transatlantic Careers and Scholarship after 1945 (Berghahn Books 2024), which she edited together with Konrad H. Jarausch, came out. Currently she is finishing a monograph titled Forgotten Soldiers: Women, the Military and War in Europe since 1600 to be published in German and English. She also co-founded recently a new international research network titled "Military, War and Gender/Diversity (MKGD)

Recent Public Engagements

Some Notable Publications

Graduate Students

  • This faculty member is not accepting applicants for the 2024-2025 application cycle
  • Maddie James (Co-Advised with Konrad H. Jarausch)

Courses Taught (as schedule allows)

For current information about course offerings, click here.

  • HIST 072-001—First Year Seminar: Women’s Voices: 20th Century European History in the Female Memory
  • HIST/EURO 252—Politics, Society and Culture in Modern Germany (1871–1945)
  • HIST/WMST 259—Towards Emancipation? Women in Modern Europe
  • HIST/PWAD 354—War and Gender in Movies
  • HIST 398—Nazi Germany and the Holocaust in Female Experience and Memory
  • HIST/WMST 500—Gender, Race and Nation in Europe and Beyond, 18th-20th C.
  • HIST/PWAD/WMST 517—Gender, Military, and War in Comparative Perspective
  • HIST/WMST 725—Comparative/Global Gender History: Gender History and the History of Masculinity in Comparative and Global Perspective
  • HIST/WMST 730— Feminist and Gender Theory for Historians
  • HIST 742—History and Memory: An Introduction into Theory, Methodology, and Research
  • HIST/WMST 770— Readings in European Women’s and Gender History