554 Hamilton Hall
Office Hours: Monday 2:30-3:20pm and Wednesday 1:25-3:20pm and by appointment
Curriculum Vitae
MA Stanford University, 1975
PhD Stanford University, 1981
Research Interests
Donald Reid is an historian of modern France. He is a labor historian, but works on the “long 1968” as an intellectual, social and political phenomenon and on the history of collective memory in modern France as well.
Some Notable Publications
Opening the Gates: The Lip Affair, 1968-1981 (London: Verso Books, 2018).Translated with additions as L'Affaire Lip, 1968-1981 trans. Hélène Chuquet. Preface by Patrick Fridenson (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2020)
“Un Village français: Imagining Lives in Occupied France,” French Cultural Studies 30:3 (August 2019): 220-231.
“Le grand récit des établis (et ses multiples entrées),” Les Temps modernes 684-685 (July-October 2015): 34-53.
Didier Daeninckx: Raconteur of History,” South Central Review 27:1-2 (Spring-Summer 2010): 39-60.
Germaine Tillion, Lucie Aubrac, and the Politics of Memories of the French Resistance (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007); paperback with additions (2008).
Paris Sewers and Sewermen: Realities and Representations (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991). Translated as Égouts et égoutiers de Paris: Réalités et représentations trans. Hélène Chuquet. Preface by Michelle Perrot (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014).
The Miners of Decazeville: A Genealogy of Deindustrialization (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985). Translated as Les Mineurs de Decazeville: Historique de la désindustrialisation trans. Robert Laumon and Michel Delagnes (Decazeville: A.S.P.I.B.D., 2009
Graduate Students
- This faculty member is not accepting applicants for the 2024-2025 application cycle
- Quinn Shepherd
Courses Taught (as schedule allows)
For current information about course offerings, click here.
- HIST 89.002—Watching TV to Understand History
- HIST 140—The World Since 1945
- HIST 256—France Since 1940
- HIST 291 Literature and History
- HIST 398—Undergraduate Seminar in History: A Change is Gonna Come: Ideologies and Practices of Liberation in the 1968 Years
- HIST 776—Modern France
- HIST 905—Dissertation Design