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554 Hamilton Hall
Office Hours: Monday 2:30-3:20pm and Wednesday 1:25-3:20pm and by appointment
Curriculum Vitae


MA Stanford University, 1975
PhD Stanford University, 1981

Research Interests

Donald Reid is an historian of modern France. He is a labor historian, but works on the “long 1968” as an intellectual, social and political phenomenon and on the history of collective memory in modern France as well.

Some Notable Publications

  • Opening the Gates: The Lip Affair, 1968-1981 (London: Verso Books, 2018).Translated with additions as L'Affaire Lip, 1968-1981 trans. Hélène Chuquet. Preface by Patrick Fridenson (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2020)
  • “Un Village français: Imagining Lives in Occupied France,” French Cultural Studies 30:3 (August 2019): 220-231.
  • “Le grand récit des établis (et ses multiples entrées),” Les Temps modernes 684-685 (July-October 2015): 34-53.
  • Didier Daeninckx: Raconteur of History,” South Central Review 27:1-2 (Spring-Summer 2010): 39-60.
  • Germaine Tillion, Lucie Aubrac, and the Politics of Memories of the French Resistance (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007); paperback with additions (2008).
  • Paris Sewers and Sewermen: Realities and Representations (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1991). Translated as Égouts et égoutiers de Paris: Réalités et représentations trans. Hélène Chuquet. Preface by Michelle Perrot (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014).
  • The Miners of Decazeville: A Genealogy of Deindustrialization (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1985). Translated as Les Mineurs de Decazeville: Historique de la désindustrialisation trans. Robert Laumon and Michel Delagnes (Decazeville: A.S.P.I.B.D., 2009
  • Graduate Students

    • This faculty member is not accepting applicants for the 2024-2025 application cycle
    • Quinn Shepherd

    Courses Taught (as schedule allows)

    For current information about course offerings, click here.

    • HIST 89.002—Watching TV to Understand History
    • HIST 140—The World Since 1945
    • HIST 256—France Since 1940
    • HIST 291 Literature and History
    • HIST 398—Undergraduate Seminar in History: A Change is Gonna Come: Ideologies and Practices of Liberation in the 1968 Years
    • HIST 776—Modern France
    • HIST 905—Dissertation Design