2017 Honors Theses
Name: Georgia Brunner
Thesis Adviser: Lauren Jarvis
Title: “Trying Trauma and Memory in Post-Genocide Rwanda”
Name: Elizabeth Chase
Thesis Adviser: Molly Worthen
Title: “Disease and Distrust: Mandatory Premarital HIV Testing in Illinois”
Name: Michael Hensley
Thesis Adviser:Marcus Bull
Title: “History-writing as a ‘Bulwark againts the Passage of Time:’ The Middle Byzantine World through the Eyes of Michael Psello, Anna Komnene, and John Kinnamos”
Name: Roy Ji
Thesis Adviser: Lloyd Kramer
Title: “Universalism Calling: French Distortion and Invention of the the Image of China from Jesuits to Enlightenment Philosophes, circa 1560-1800”
Name: Adrienne Kronovet
Adviser: William Barney
Title: “A General Change: Ulysses S. Grant’s Evolving Relationship with the Jewish Community, 1862-1885”
Name: Charles Lumsden
Thesis Adviser: Louis A. Perez, Jr.
Title: “A Fratricidal Arm: Cuban Agency and the Abrogation of the Platt Amendment”
Name: Meredith Miller
Adviser: Chad Bryant
Title: “When Paris Met Bohemia: Discovering the Czech Nation through its Art, 1900-1938”
Name: Justine Orlovsky-Schnitzler
Thesis Adviser: John Sweet
Title: “Susan Hill at the Supreme Court: Reproductive Rights Advocacy in the Deep South Remembered”
Name: Ethan Tyler
Thesis Adviser: Sarah Shields
Title: “‘A British Lake’: Kuwait and the 1913 Anglo-Ottoman Convention”